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April 27, 2017

Book Review: The Casual Vacancy

The Casual Vacancy, by J.K. Rowling

Interesting read about shenanigans in a small English town after the death of a member of the Parish Council, and the plotting and scheming of the rest of the government officials in naming his replacement.

But the drawback of the book is its number of characters -- far more than needed. I found it difficult to keep track of who was who, and who was related to whom, until at least midway through the book. Often, I found myself flipping back while asking, "Now, who is Colin again?" Complicating the matter is that several of the characters have nicknames, which were used seemingly at random. And none of them was likable. It's hard to keep track of and root for a group of people you really don't like.

The description of the town made it seem wonderful, if not for the people living there.

That being said, I still enjoyed the book. The story was engaging, and it was well written.

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